Policy Consultation – Proposed Amendments to the Retired Faculty Appointment Policy (AP1)


The UBC community is invited to comment on the proposed amendments to the Retired Faculty Appointment Policy (AP1) (the “Policy”).

The proposed amendments serve to expand the definition of “retired Faculty Member”. More specifically, the proposed definition would be expanded beyond just “a UBC tenure-stream faculty, librarian or program director retired from the University” to also include “any other person who holds Emeritus status under Vancouver Senate Policy V-250.2: Emeritus Status or Okanagan Senate Policy O-250: Emeritus Status, as those Senate policies may be amended from time to time”.

For further information about the proposed amendments, please see the information package that was provided to the Board of Governors at: https://bog3.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2024/05/3_2024_06_Policy-Amendment-Retired-Faculty-Appointment-Policy-AP1.pdf

The proposed amendments are now being published and all members of UBC’s community are encouraged to provide their comments. Please submit feedback to the Office of the University Counsel at university.counsel@ubc.ca by July 22, 2024.

Feedback received by the Office of the University Counsel from the UBC community will be provided to the members of the Policy Development Committee for review and consideration. The Policy Development Committee does not provide individual responses to persons submitting feedback. However, the feedback received will be summarized, along with the Policy Development Committee’s response, in a Community Consultation Summary that will be included in the submission materials that are generally shared in open sessions of meetings of the responsible Board committee and the Board.