About Us
The OUC is staffed by a team of lawyers and other professionals who report to the University Counsel. The University Counsel reports directly to UBC’s President.
UBC is an organization with annual revenues in excess of $2 billion and an annual economic impact of over $10 billion (over 5% of British Columbia’s GDP), as well as varied real estate holdings, wholly owned subsidiaries, and linkage agreements with over 170 universities in 44 countries. Among the broad range of services provided, the Office of the University Counsel:
- provides strategic legal advice and a full range of legal services directly to the University, its senior administration, the Board of Governors, the Senates, and the Council of Senates;
- provides strong and responsible advocacy before courts, administrative agencies, or other public bodies;
- oversees the development and review of Board of Governors’ policies and delegated signing authorities;
- is responsible for UBC’s compliance with British Columbia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act;
- regulates and manages UBC’s conduct systems and internal administrative tribunals
Please follow the links below for more information about our office.
Institutional Integrity
Our commitment to the integrity of the institution and to upholding the public trust means that we will prioritize the principled and fair conduct of administrative fact-finding processes, investigations, and disciplinary decisions over the avoidance of legal claims or negative publicity. Protecting the integrity of the institution is fundamental in representing UBC’s overall best interests and is our highest priority.
About this Web Site
This web site is maintained by the Office of the University Counsel. Although the information on this web site is updated regularly, no guarantees can be made about its accuracy or timeliness. This web site is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. UBC administrators requiring legal advice should contact the Office of the University Counsel. Contact information is available here. To review the full disclaimer for this web site, please click here.