These Terms of Use have been approved by the Director, Campus Security and the University Counsel under section 3 of Policy SC16 (Video Cameras Policy).
1. Overview
1.1. System name: Irving K. Barber Learning Centre – Library Camera System
1.2. System identifier: 18
1.3. System operator: Campus Security, Vancouver Campus
1.4. Short description of system: This system consists of 16 cameras located in sensitive areas of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre monitoring select interior spaces as well as exterior exits.
1.5. Approval Date: September 8, 2016
1.6. Last Revision Date: October 27, 2022
2. Rationale
2.1. The purpose/objective for installing these cameras: The cameras are to provide forensic value as part of investigations into security and safety incidents involving students or staff. It is also intended to assist staff to respond in emergencies.
2.2. The necessity for the use of cameras in this area: Due to their assets and public accessibility, libraries are at a high risk of theft and safety-related incidents.
2.3. What less privacy-intrusive alternatives to the use of cameras have been considered and why they have been rejected: The camera system is part of a holistic security program. Measures such as audible exit alarms have been placed on exit doors, signage and barriers are intended to force traffic only through highly visible entry/exits, doors are equipped with loss prevention detectors, and staff have been positioned in areas that provide separation between themselves and patrons. The building also has a dedicated Campus Security presence in the form of patrol staff. However, without using cameras, it is not possible to provide an acceptable level of safety and security.
3. Scope
3.1. Description of area(s) to be monitored and placement of cameras, including diagrams where feasible: Cameras are located in the interior of the building overlooking exterior entry/exit points, emergency exit stairwells and other areas. The building is in the location indicated in the following map:
3.2. How many cameras will be installed: 33
3.3. Whose activities will be viewed by these cameras (e.g. public, employees, students): Members of the public, employees, and students may all be potentially viewed with these cameras.
3.4. What types of Camera Data will be captured (i.e. video, audio or both): Video only
3.5. Any special capabilities of the system (e.g. zoom, facial recognition or night vision features): None
4. Privacy
4.1. How the cameras have been positioned or configured to collect the minimum amount of personally identifiable information necessary to achieve the purpose of the collection: The cameras have been positioned so that they can only view activity within the protected space, and not the exterior of the building. No student areas or general study areas are covered.
4.2. How individuals will be notified that they are entering an area that is being monitored: Signage will be placed on entrances on the perimeter of the building and areas covered by the cameras. In addition, public notification will be provided through the University’s website.
4.3. Whether and when the cameras will be monitored in real time: Select cameras in the Rare Books area are monitored by Library Staff in real time to confirm activities within that space. Cameras in other areas of the building are not monitored in real time.
4.4. Whether and when recording of Camera Data will occur: The Camera Data will be recorded continuously.
5. Security of Camera Data
5.1. The place where Camera Data will be received and/or monitored: Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
5.2. Arrangements in place to protect against unauthorized viewing of the Camera Data: Only specific computers assigned to individuals authorized by Campus Security are granted access to camera imagery. Access to the camera system and linked Video Management Software is password protected.
5.3. How and where any recorded Camera Data will be stored: Camera Data is recorded to a digital video recorder within the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.
5.4. The protocol for accessing and viewing any recorded Camera Data: Recorded images can only be accessed by individuals authorized by Campus Security. Recorded images would only be viewed and/or extracted in response to incident investigation.
5.5. Technical and physical security arrangements in place to protect against unauthorized access or disclosure of any recorded Camera Data: Digital recording machine is located in a secure space within the building only accessible by select staff. Recorded images are password protected and accessed only by specific individuals on the Campus Security team. The system is a closed circuit system and cannot be accessed remotely.
5.6. The protocol for logging access, use and disposal of any recorded Camera Data: The Video Management Software used by the Camera Operator audits all usage. The software deletes recorded images automatically after no more than 30 days.
6. Legal Authority for Use of Camera System
6.1. Authority under FIPPA: The University is authorized to collect personal information using this Camera System under the authority of section 26(c) of the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FIPPA”), i.e. the information relates directly to and is necessary for a program or activity of the University. The University is authorized to use this personal information under the authority of section 32(a) of the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FIPPA”), i.e. for one of the purposes set out in Policy SC16, or for a use consistent with one of those purposes.
6.2. Other legal authority: n/a
7. Who to Contact for More Information
7.1. Title: UBC Library, Facilities Coordinator
7.2. Mailing address: 1961 East Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
7.3. Telephone number: 604.822.5521
7.4. Email address: