These Terms of Use have been approved by the Director, Campus Security and the University Counsel under section 3 of Policy SC16 (Video Cameras Policy).
1. Overview
1.1. System name: Tourmaline West Baseball Stadium Camera System
1.2. System identifier: 49
1.3. Camera operator: UBC Athletics and Recreation
1.4. Short description of system: This system consists of 4 video cameras installed inside the baseball stadium. The camera system will be used for the purpose of live web streaming select baseball practices and games. The cameras will only be activated during the select games and practices by the UBC Baseball team.
1.5. Approval Date: April 29, 2020
2. Rationale
2.1. The purpose/objective for installing these cameras: The cameras are intended to allow live web streaming of baseball games and practices for the teams that play under the UBC baseball umbrella. This will allow fans from across the world to follow the team(s) and watch their home games played at Tourmaline West Stadium. Our playing roster has players from across Canada and this will allow their families, friends, alumni and others to watch UBC Baseball games.
2.2. The necessity for the use of cameras in this area: The camera system is needed to provide exposure for the UBC baseball program to fans who live outside the Lower Mainland and are unable to attend games in person. This allows us to grow our fan base of supporters and followers to our baseball program. This system also supports public health recommendations or requirements related to minimizing transmission of COVID-19.
2.3. What less privacy-intrusive alternatives to the use of cameras have been considered and why they have been rejected: The proposed system is positioned to minimize broadcast of non-competitive areas wherever possible. There are no feasible alternatives to provide broad exposure for UBC games without the use of a camera system.
3. Scope
3.1. Description of area(s) to be monitored and placement of cameras, including diagrams where feasible: Our 4 camera system will be installed within the stadium grounds. Cameras will be mounted behind home plate, down the 1st base line, down the 3rd base line, and behind the centre field fence. All cameras will be pointed directly to the field of play.
3.2. How many cameras will be installed: 4
3.3. Whose activities will be viewed by these cameras (e.g. public, employees, students): Baseball players (aged 14-22), coaches, fans, game officials
3.4. What types of Camera Data will be captured (i.e. video, audio or both): Video and audio
3.5. Any special capabilities of the system (e.g. zoom, facial recognition or night vision features): Zoom options to tighten camera angle when necessary for best quality
4. Privacy
4.1. How the cameras have been positioned or configured to collect the minimum amount of personally identifiable information necessary to achieve the purpose of the collection: The cameras will be positioned so that they cannot view activity outside the defined boundaries of the baseball stadium. There possibly could be views beyond the centerfield fence but the view is high and only trees and nature would be shown.
4.2. How individuals will be notified that they are entering an area that is being monitored: (1) Signage will be posted at the main entrance to the stadium gates. In addition to the standard elements required in signage under the Safety and Security Cameras Policy, this signage will put attendees on notice that they may be captured in the camera feed, which will be streamed on the internet. (2) Coaches and players will be notified in writing as above. (3) A notification will also be posted on UBC and Athletics and Recreation websites.
4.3. Whether and when the cameras will be monitored in real time: The cameras will only be monitored in real time when they are activated. The camera footage will be streamed on the web.
4.4. Whether and when recording of Camera Data will occur: When the cameras are activated, the Camera Data will be recorded. The recordings will only be available to registered users (coaches associated with the UBC Baseball program).
5. Security of Camera Data
5.1. The place where Camera Data will be received and/or monitored: By users of the web stream service.
5.2. Arrangements in place to protect against unauthorized viewing of the Camera Data: Coaches associated with the UBC Baseball program will sign up as Playsight “users” to gain access to all footage for evaluation and highlight purposes. We will monitor access to the “user” functions.
5.3. How and where any recorded Camera Data will be stored: Camera Data is recorded and archived on Playsight’s cloud servers. The footage will be stored for 6 months and can be deleted or archived at our direction. It will also be held in “cold storage” after 6 months and for the duration of the agreement with Playsight.
5.4. The protocol for accessing and viewing any recorded Camera Data: UBC Security can gain access to any recorded camera data for emergency purposes.
5.5. Technical and physical security arrangements in place to protect against unauthorized access or disclosure of any recorded Camera Data: All users will have to register through Playsight before gaining access to the camera footage.
5.6. The protocol for logging access, use and disposal of any recorded Camera Data: See Playsight-UBC contract for language.
6. Legal Authority for Use of Camera System
6.1. Authority under FIPPA: The University is authorized to collect personal information using this Camera System under section 26(c) of the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FIPPA”), i.e. the information relates directly to and is necessary for a program or activity of the University. The University is authorized to use this personal information under section 32(a) of the FIPPA, i.e. for one of the purposes set out in Policy SC16, or for a use consistent with one of those purposes.
6.2. Other legal authority: n/a
7. Who to Contact for More Information
7.1. Title: Director, UBC Baseball
7.2. Mailing address: 3085 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, BC V6T1Z3
7.3. Telephone number: 604.822.4720
7.4. Email address: