These Terms of Use have been approved by the Director, Campus Security and the University Counsel under section 3 of Policy SC16 (Video Cameras Policy).
1. Overview
1.1. System name: Parkade Security Camera System
1.2. System identifier: 6
1.3. Camera operator: UBC Parking (Vancouver)
1.4. Short description of system: This security system consists of cameras mounted within the six parkades located at the Point Grey campus. The cameras are located at the payment meters.
1.5. Approval Date: August 2, 2016
1.6. Last Revised Date: June 24, 2022
2. Rationale
2.1. The purpose/objective for installing these cameras: These security cameras are intended to protect individuals and their property by assisting in prevention and investigation of personal injury, criminal activity and loss of property.
2.2. The necessity for the use of cameras in this area: These cameras act as deterrents against theft from and potential injury to customers who are using the parking facilities. Cameras also act as a deterrent to damage to UBC parkade facilities, which have been subject to criminal activity.
2.3. What less privacy-intrusive alternatives to the use of cameras have been considered and why they have been rejected: Increasing Campus Security and UBC Parking patrols was considered but was rejected due to the significant resource requirements; it would be prohibitively costly to adequately monitor multiple locations within six dispersed parkades using foot patrols.
3. Scope
3.1. Description of area(s) to be monitored and placement of cameras, including diagrams where feasible: Cameras are mounted in each parkade as shown designed by ‘P’ on the following map:
3.2. How many cameras will be installed: One camera per payment meter; each parkade has between five and eight cameras.
3.3. Whose activities will be viewed by these cameras (e.g. public, employees, students): Members of the public, employees, and students inside the parkades may all potentially be viewed by these cameras.
3.4. What types of Camera Data will be captured (i.e. video, audio or both): Video only
3.5. Any special capabilities of the system (e.g. zoom, facial recognition or night vision features): None
4. Privacy
4.1. How the cameras have been positioned or configured to collect the minimum amount of personally identifiable information necessary to achieve the purpose of the collection: The cameras monitor a payment meter and its proximity to minimize collection of identifiable information and are therefore positioned so that they cannot view activity within adjacent buildings.
4.2. How individuals will be notified that they are entering an area that is being monitored: Signage is to be placed adjacent to payment meters and notification will be provided at the UBC Parking website.
4.3. Whether and when the cameras will be monitored in real time: Cameras will not be monitored in real time.
4.4. Whether and when recording of Camera Data will occur: All cameras will record data which will only be reviewed if required as part of an investigation into criminal activity, injury and/or property loss.
5. Security of Camera Data
5.1. The place where Camera Data will be received and/or monitored: Cameras can be reviewed at UBC Parking, 301-2389 Health Sciences Mall and also at UBC Parking Impound Lot, 2451 East Mall.
5.2. Arrangements in place to protect against unauthorized viewing of the Camera Data: Only specific computers authorized by the Director, Parking & Access Services within UBC Parking are granted access to camera imagery of payment meter images.
5.3. How and where any recorded Camera Data will be stored: Camera Data is recorded and archived on UBC servers, which are located in secure UBC datacenters at the Point Grey, Vancouver campus.
5.4. The protocol for accessing and viewing any recorded Camera Data: Recorded images can only be accessed by individuals authorized by Campus Security or UBC Parking. Recorded images from payment meters would only be viewed and/or extracted in response to incident investigation.
5.5. Technical and physical security arrangements in place to protect against unauthorized access or disclosure of any recorded Camera Data: Recorded images from cycle storage cages and payment meters are password protected and accessed only through specific machines in the Campus Security or UBC Parking office or the UBC Parking Impound Office. Servers are located in University datacentres, which are protected in accordance with Information Security Standard #18 (Physical Security of UBC Datacentres).
5.6. The protocol for logging access, use and disposal of any recorded Camera Data: The Video Management Software used by the Camera Operator audits all usage. The software deletes recorded images from cycle storage cages and payment meters automatically.
6. Legal Authority for Use of Camera System
6.1. Authority under FIPPA: The University is authorized to collect personal information using this Camera System under section 26(c) of the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FIPPA”), i.e. the information relates directly to and is necessary for a program or activity of the University. The University is authorized to use this personal information under section 32(a) of the FIPPA, i.e. for one of the purposes set out in Policy SC16, or for a use consistent with one of those purposes.
6.2. Other legal authority: n/a
7. Who to Contact for More Information
7.1. Title: Director, UBC Parking and Access Services
7.2. Mailing address: 301-2389 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3
7.3. Telephone number: 604 822 4109
7.4. Email address: