Find answers to commonly asked questions here.

For public health reasons, all visitors to the Office of the University Counsel, including those who are making deliveries, must have a scheduled appointment. Therefore, couriers and process servers should contact our office in advance at 604-822-1897 (service of initiating legal process by email is not accepted).

For documents and written materials that do not require a signature or proof of delivery, we request that to the extent possible, they be sent electronically.

Regular mail, which does not require a signature or proof of delivery, may still be directed to:

Office of the University Counsel
6328 Memorial Road, Room 240
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada V6T 1Z2

Phone: (604) 822-1897
Fax: (604) 822-8731

If a member of the Faculty Association has been named as a defendant or respondent in a lawsuit, Human Rights complaint, or other legal proceeding, then UBC will normally handle the member’s defence and pay for all the costs and expenses of such defence, either directly or through its insurers, if : (1) they acted reasonably, responsibly, and in good faith; and (2) they acted within the course and scope of their employment with UBC. Cases are assessed by the Office of the University Counsel and there may be some exceptions to this general approach, such as when the member fails to notify the University of the claim forthwith or cooperate fully in the defence, but such exceptions are extremely rare.

UBC takes the same general approach to all employees.

Please contact UBC Campus Security at (604) 822-2222. UBC Campus Security's offices are located at 2133 East Mall.

A guide to frequently asked questions about cannabis is available here.

UBC holds institutional Feature Film Public Performance License rights to certain films. For details please consult the UBC Library's Guide to Videos, Films and DVDs at

UBC has been a corporate entity continuously since 1908, which is the year in which the original legislation creating UBC was enacted. Unlike a regular corporation created under the Business Corporations Act, there is no registration number for UBC. If someone is inquiring into the University's corporate status you may state that The University of British Columbia is a corporation continued under the University Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c.468.

W8 forms are often requested by US entities when they are making a payment to UBC. W8 forms are US tax forms for the US Internal Revenue Service to document an exemption from US withholding tax. UBC issues W-8EXP forms because UBC is registered as a foreign tax-exempt organization in the US.

Individual units are not authorized to sign a W-8EXP form on behalf of UBC. Please contact the Finance Department at, for assistance in determining whether this form applies to your situation and to obtain authorized signatures.

It is important to note that UBC can only issue a W-8EXP form where UBC is the beneficial owner of the income being received from the US entity. In order for the Finance Department to make this determination, individual units are asked to provide a copy of the agreement which documents the transaction between UBC and the US entity (and/or the UBC invoice issued to the US entity) when they submit their request to Finance.

Please click here to view a list of Frequently Asked Questions.

Please click here to view a list of Frequently Asked Questions.

Effective July 1, 2013, UBC students participating in a practicum/placement in BC have WorkSafeBC coverage provided that the student is eligible for coverage in accordance with the eligibility requirements set-out in the Ministry of Advanced Education, Innovation and Technology’s WorkSafeBC Policy. A copy of the Ministry’s Policy can be viewed here.

If you are unsure as to whether coverage extends to a particular practicum or have any questions regarding the information in the Ministry’s Policy  or any matter relating to WorkSafeBC coverage, such as reporting a claim, please contact UBC’s Risk Management Services at: or 604-822-6650.

The University of British Columbia (UBC) has established an arrangement with the Vancouver Sun and Province newspapers to facilitate the use of the UBC logo in obituaries.

Should the family of a deceased holding emeritus status at the time of their passing wish to have the UBC logo published as part of the deceased’s obituary in the Province or Vancouver Sun, they may do so by contacting the obituary department directly.

Should the family of any other deceased current or former UBC faculty or staff wish to place the UBC logo as part of that family member’s obituary in the Vancouver Sun or Province, please contact the Office of the University Counsel first at: Phone: (604) 822-1897 or E-mail:

Should the family wish to place the UBC logo in any other publication or for any other questions regarding this matter, please contact the Office of the University Counsel at: Phone: (604) 822-1897 or E-mail:

Provided you are undertaking the research as part of your academic program at UBC under the direct supervision of a UBC faculty member and you have met all other requirements associated with the research project (including such matters as securing ethics approvals), then UBC will permit you to place the UBC name and logo on recruitment notices for the research project. As a condition of this permission, you must ensure that it is clear to the audience that the research project is being undertaken by you, that you are a UBC student, and that your conduct of the research project is being supervised by a UBC faculty member. You should provide the name and contact information of the UBC faculty member. This can be done in smaller print at the bottom of the page but must be reasonably legible.

The Copyright Act’s “Notice and Notice” provisions came into force on January 2, 2015.

As background, it is necessary to understand that:

  • Many content owners monitor the Internet (and in particular, websites that use the BitTorrent protocol) to identify when their content is being copied and to learn the IP address that is associated with each instance of copying.
  • The content owner usually cannot find the identity of the user of that IP address, but they can find the identity of the user’s digital network provider.

Notice and Notice is a colloquial name for the provisions of the Copyright Act that require infringement notices issued by content owners to be forwarded to users.

The process involves a content owner sending an infringement notice to the user’s digital network provider, and the digital network provider forwarding that notice to the user.

If a digital network provider fails to forward the notice, it may be exposed to a significant financial penalty.

The process is described in more detail below, in the section entitled “How does Notice and Notice Work?”

What does this mean at UBC?

The Notice and Notice provisions apply to UBC and University community in several ways:

  • Under the Copyright Act, UBC is considered to be a digital network provider. Therefore, UBC must forward infringement notices it receives.
  • UBC faculty members, staff members and students may be content owners. If they believe that their material has been copied illegally, they now have a means to communicate with the person who made the copy, as the first step to enforcing their copyright.
  • UBC faculty members, staff members and students may use content that they obtain on the Internet. Copyright compliance is not only a legal requirement, but good academic practice. Any UBC faculty member, staff member or student who copies content from the Internet in breach of copyright should expect to receive a copyright infringement notice.

Four important details

  • UBC will not disclose the identity of the user to the content owner, unless required to so by a court order or other legal process.
  • Content owners monitor the use of IP addresses to determine whether their copyright has been infringed. UBC is not involved in this process.
  • UBC does not evaluate the legitimacy of the notices it receives. The fact that UBC is forwarding a notice does not mean that UBC in any way endorses or supports the allegations contained in the notice. UBC is merely forwarding notices as required by law.
  • The Notice and Notice system does not otherwise change the existing laws that govern the use of copyrighted materials.  For more information about your rights and obligations under copyright law, please visit

How does Notice and Notice work?

The steps are as follows:

  • Many content owners and their agents monitor the internet to see if their copyrighted works are being shared.  Popular file-sharing sites that use the BitTorrent protocol are actively monitored.
  • A content owner learns that their content has been copied, and that that copying is, in their view, an infringement of copyright.
  • Usually, the content owner does not know the identity of the user who has made the allegedly infringing copy, but does know the IP address of the device that made the copy, and which digital network provider is responsible for that IP address.
  • The content owner sends an infringement notice to the digital network provider.
  • The Notice and Notice regime legally requires the digital network provider to:
    • Make reasonable efforts to identify the user associated with the IP address listed in the infringement notice.
    • Either:
      • If the user can be identified, to forward the infringement notice to the user and notify the content owner that the notice was forwarded; or
      • If the user cannot be identified, to notify the content owner that the notice was not forwarded.
    • Keep records for six months (or 12 months if legal proceedings are commenced)
  • If the digital network provider receives an infringement notice, but does not comply with its obligations under the Notice and Notice regime, the content owner may seek statutory damages against the digital network provider. The statutory damages will be determined by a court, but shall be at least $5,000 and up to $10,000 per notice not forwarded.

If you have any questions about Notice and Notice, please see Industry Canada’s website.

If you have any questions about Notice and Notice at UBC, email

*If your project involves the commercialization of research to which UBC’s Invention Policy (LR11) applies, please contact the UBC University – Industry Liaison Office (UILO).

Part 1: Why is it important for faculty members to consider whether a project they initiate should be undertaken as a UBC project or an external project?

From the outset it is important to determine whether a project initiated by a faculty member (Project), such as a consulting project or not-for-profit initiative, should be managed:

1) as a UBC Project that is subject to UBC’s internal governance structure and processes, including UBC policies and procedures (UBC Project); or

2) as an external Project that is entirely separate from UBC (External Project) and not subject to UBC policies and procedures.

The above determination has implications for how the Project is managed. Specifically:

1) if the Project is a UBC Project, then:

(a) the Project must be run through the relevant UBC Unit and is subject to UBC’s internal governance structure and approval processes;

(b) the management and operation of the Project must comply with UBC policies and procedures;

(c) subject to normal approval processes, UBC resources can be utilized in connection with the Project, including UBC office space/workspace, UBC work-time, UBC administrative support, legal advice from UBC’s Office of the University Counsel (OUC), UBC fundraising support, and UBC purchased equipment or supplies (collectively, UBC Resources); and

(d) the Project can and should be identified as a UBC undertaking, thus benefitting from and contributing to UBC’s reputation and identity, particularly through the use of UBC branding and trade-marks in accordance with UBC’s Brand Identity Policy.

2) if the Project is more properly an External Project, then it should be run outside of UBC’s auspices by the faculty member in their personal capacity outside their official UBC duties (e.g., as a sole proprietorship) or through an external entity (society, corporation, or other legal entity), then:

(a) the External Project should not use any UBC Resources, except as permissible in accordance with any applicable UBC policies and procedures (e.g., UBC’s Information Systems Policy and UBC’s Equipment/Services Use Policy)

(b) if the External Project is based upon UBC Research, UBC’s Invention Policy (LR11) applies, and an appropriate commercialization agreement must be put in place, facilitated by UBC’s University-Industry Liaison Office (UILO);

(c) the External Project will not have any affiliation with or be endorsed by UBC, and the faculty member or external entity should ensure that:

i.  it does not include messaging that may create confusion in the broader public about its relationship to UBC;

ii.  use UBC’s name or a name associated with the UBC Unit; and

iii.  use UBC’s trade-marks and branding, including any UBC letterhead or stationery, unless specific permission has been granted to use UBC’s trade-marks by the OUC under UBC’s Trade-Mark Policy;

(d) UBC faculty members and staff working on the External Project (outside of UBC work-time), including the faculty member who initiated the Project, must disclose their involvement in accordance with UBC’s Conflict of Interest Policy; and

(e) in order to avoid any potential for confusion or allegations of misleading conduct, we recommend that the External Project be operated and managed in accordance with the guidelines set out in Part 3.

Part 2 of this document sets out additional factors which should be considered when determining whether a Project should be managed under UBC’s auspices or externally.

Part 2: Factors to consider when determining whether a Project should be run under UBC’s auspices or externally

The key factor in determining whether a Project should be undertaken as a UBC Project or an External Project is whether it would support the UBC mandate to prepare its students for fulfilling careers through world class teaching, and engage in leading edge research (UBC Mandate).

Other relevant factors include:

1) Would the Project directly support and link in with the specific mandate and mission of the faculty member’s particular Unit or Faculty?

2) Would the Project require the use or expenditure of UBC Resources in order for the Project to operate effectively, and is it an appropriate and proportionate use of those resources?

3) If the Project were to be primarily funded by donations or grants, would it meet the criteria for the acceptance of donations under UBC’s Fundraising Policy (which addresses issues including the financial viability of the Project, consistency with academic priorities of UBC, risk to UBC’s reputation, potential benefits to individuals and organizations)?

If the answers to the above questions are in the affirmative, then the Project is more likely to qualify as a UBC Project. If the answers are negative, then the Project is more likely to be considered an External Project.

Part 3: If it is appropriate for the Project to operate externally, we recommend that the UBC faculty member ensures that the External Project be managed in accordance with the OUC’s suggested guidelines below:

To ensure that there is no risk of confusion by clients, donors and members of the public as to the relationship between the faculty member, the External Project and UBC, the faculty member should advise all parties that the External Project is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by UBC.

This is particularly important with respect to:

  • any clients of or donors to the External Project; and
  • any UBC students who may be employed to participate in the External Project. If UBC students are offered employment to participate in the External Project, we recommend that the students are advised that:
    • the External Project has no connection with UBC;
    • their involvement with the External Project will not advance their academic progression at UBC; and
    • they are under no obligation to work on the External Project.


Brand Identity Policy (GA7)
• Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Policy (SC3)
• Equipment/Services Use Policy (UP5)
• Financial Investigations Policy (SC15)
• Fundraising Policy (FM6)
• Information Systems Policy (SC14)
• Information Policy (LR11)
• Trade-Mark Policy (UP6)

Communications between the lawyers in our office and UBC for the purposes of giving or receiving legal advice are generally protected from disclosure to third parties by solicitor-client privilege. However, that privilege does not prevent disclosure within UBC. We generally do our utmost to respect an employee’s desire for confidentiality but, in certain circumstances, we may be required to disclose our communications with you to other senior decision-makers within UBC.

For example, if an employee reveals conduct that is dishonest, criminal, or fraudulent, our professional duty is to advise the employee, the University Counsel, and/or the President, as appropriate, that the conduct should be stopped. If it is not stopped, our duty is to escalate as necessary.

Furthermore, if an employee indicates an intention to undertake a course of action that appears to be inconsistent with UBC’s overall best interests or mission, our professional duty is to bring it to the attention of a more senior UBC decision-maker for further consideration, even if it is not dishonest, criminal, or fraudulent.

Finally, if the President (who is the officer to whom we report) were to inquire about a confidential conversation between an employee and us, we would advise the President that the individual had requested confidentiality and we would prefer that the employee be informed that the President wishes to be apprised of the conversation. If the President directs us to answer his inquiry without the involvement of the employee, we are required to comply with that request, as this is consistent with his role as the chief executive officer of our client, UBC.

Typed signatures, or “electronic signatures”, are valid and legally binding as long the originally signed form complies with the Electronic Transactions Act of British Columbia (the “Act”, The key element with respect to the validity of forms signed electronically (or forms processed electronically) is to ensure that the form is as reliable and accurate as a form signed in hardcopy so that in event of a dispute, you can attest that a particular electronic form was the form that was signed by the student. For example, in two years, you can pull up the form and demonstrate that this was the form that was signed by the student.

In order for the electronic signed form to be effective, the following must be present:

  1. Accessible and Retrievable: The document must be retrievable/accessible for future reference; i.e., if the documents are stored in electronic form, it is necessary to be able to access the records should they be required as evidence in a dispute. The documents must be capable of being retrieved and saved in a manner that is usable for reference if needed. The student should be given a copy of the form or have the capability to retrieve a copy for themselves.
  2. Integrity and Accuracy of Records: Once the student signs, the form should be locked down so that no future changes are possible or if there are numerous versions of the terms/conditions, the records must be capable of reflecting which version the student signed.  i.e., you should know exactly what version of the form a student signed. Assessment of the integrity of a record is based on whether the record has remained complete and unaltered and whether it is saved in a format that does not materially change the record (e.g. PDF). It would also be prudent to maintain accurate records of when the documents were signed and received, such as an electronic timestamp, to improve integrity of the records.
  1. Signatures must be properly associated with the document: The “signature” must be collected in such a manner to make clear to the student what form they are signing. For example, “By checking this box, I have indicated that I agree to comply with the School of Kinesiology Co-op Terms and Conditions”.  It is important that we know which student the form pertains to; for example, do they type their name and email and how their signature is collected on the form.

Just as importantly, it is also advisable to ensure that the administrative procedures in regard to processing of these forms also comply with the Act.

Administrative procedural points to consider are:

a)            Where students/guardians access and download the form
b)            Where the completed forms are submitted
c)            Where the signed and completed forms will be saved and how long the records will be stored for
d)            Whether students/guardians can easily access and save previously completed signed forms
e)            The format of which the records are saved and whether the files can be modified
f)             Whether the records are on a secure server

Photographs and other images, like other original works, are protected by copyright. Subject to some limited exceptions, copyright owners have exclusive rights to the use of their work, including the right to prevent others from reproducing it or copying any substantial part of it without a license.

Using an image on a website, social media platform, or other publication without proper authorization may lead to a claim of copyright infringement. Always ensure you have the right, or necessary permission or license from the copyright owner, before using any images.

You may receive an “unauthorized use of image notification letter”, also known as a “cease and desist letter” or “copyright infringement notice”. These are communications sent by copyright holders, or organizations representing copyright holders, asserting that you have infringed copyright by using the image without permission. Typically, these letters demand the cessation of the unauthorized use and often include a demand for payment to settle the copyright infringement matter.

Be aware that these claims may or may not be legitimate. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous organizations will send these copyright infringement notices in an attempt to defraud or intimidate recipients into paying money to them when they are not actually entitled to it. They may not be the true holders or represent the true holders of the copyright. They may also include suspicious links or attachments in their e-mails and you should exercise care before clicking on any links, just as you would for any other e-mail from a sender you do not know and trust.

For more information on using images as part of your UBC activities, see: If you are a UBC academic or administrative unit, staff or faculty member and have received a copyright infringement notice as part of your UBC-related activities, or if you have questions regarding use of an image, contact UBC’s Copyright Office at: