Terms of Use – Pacific Museum of the Earth Camera System

These Terms of Use have been approved by the Director, Campus Security and the University Counsel under section 3 of Policy SC16 (Video Cameras Policy).

1. Overview

1.1.  System name: Pacific Museum of the Earth Camera System

1.2.  System identifier: 12

1.3.  Camera operator: Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences

1.4.  Short description of system: Camera system to protect the assets of the Pacific Museum of the Earth comprised of an 11 cameras, with capability to monitor and record activities within the Museum display spaces.

1.5.  Approval Date: August 11, 2016

2. Rationale

2.1.  The purpose/objective for installing these cameras: To monitor the interaction between museum patrons and displayed museum specimens for use in identifying the event of defacement, theft or other incurred damage or losses to the museum’s physical assets.

2.2.  The necessity for the use of cameras in this area: Our museum displays mineral specimens for the enjoyment and education of the public and UBC staff and students. Some individual specimens on display are worth in excess of $100k. Additionally, many valuable mineral and fossil specimens are for sale in our gift shop, Rock Paper Scissors. Cameras are used for protection of our physical assets and gift shop employees.

2.3.  What less privacy-intrusive alternatives to the use of cameras have been considered and why they have been rejected: Aside from cameras, other security measures such as an intrusion alarm system and secured encasements (for the most valuable artifacts) have been put in place. But in the event of defacement or theft only video evidence would aid in identifying individuals responsible and assessing damage or losses. Hiring staff to monitor all of these areas in person would be prohibitively costly.

3. Scope

3.1.  Description of area(s) to be monitored and placement of cameras, including diagrams where feasible: The main entrance doors, lobby area, displays located on the ground floor of the Pacific Museum of Earth and the adjacent Globe Display Room are monitored with cameras.

3.2.  How many cameras will be installed: 11

3.3.  Whose activities will be viewed by these cameras (e.g. public, employees, students: The public, UBC faculty, UBC staff, and UBC students regularly pass through the museum and as such their activity will be viewed.

3.4.  What types of Camera Data will be captured (i.e. video, audio or both): Video Only

3.5.  Any special capabilities of the system (e.g. zoom, facial recognition or night vision features): None

4. Privacy

4.1.  How the cameras have been positioned or configured to collect the minimum amount of personally identifiable information necessary to achieve the purpose of the collection: Camera coverage and placement is focused on the areas containing artifacts and the primary entrance into the museum area. Cameras are not looking at other buildings, workspaces or areas not associated with the museum space.

4.2.  How individuals will be notified that they are entering an area that is being monitored: There is signage at the main entrance to the building that leads directly into the Museum space.

4.3.  Whether and when the cameras will be monitored in real time: Camera feed is not monitored real time. Only being used for forensic review in the event of an incident.

4.4.  Whether and when recording of Camera Data will occur: Cameras are recorded based on motion activity.

5. Security of Camera Data

5.1.  The place where Camera Data will be received and/or monitored: Camera data is received in a secure space within the EOS Main building in an office belonging to the museum.

5.2.  Arrangements in place to protect against unauthorized viewing of the Camera Data: The recorded data is part of a closed circuit system and cannot be accessed remotely. The secured room is accessible only to the building manager and the museum Curator. Logged data is stored on a computer system provided by UBC Access Services.

5.3.  How and where any recorded Camera Data will be stored: On Digital Recorder supplied by UBC Secure Access.

5.4.  The protocol for accessing and viewing any recorded Camera Data: Camera data can only be accessed by individuals authorized by Campus Security in conjunction with Museum management. Data is only reviewed and exported in response to an incident investigation.

5.5.  Technical and physical security arrangements in place to protect against unauthorized access or disclosure of any recorded Camera Data: The recording device is password protected within a secured spaced accessible by only select individuals.

5.6.  The protocol for logging access, use and disposal of any recorded Camera Data: The recording software audits all usage and recorded images are deleted automatically.

6. Legal Authority for Use of Camera System

6.1.  Authority under FIPPA: The University is authorized to collect personal information using this Camera System under section 26(c) of the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FIPPA”), i.e. the information relates directly to and is necessary for a program or activity of the University. The University is authorized to use this personal information under section 32(a) of the FIPPA, i.e. for one of the purposes set out in Policy SC16, or for a use consistent with one of those purposes.

6.2.  Other legal authority: n/a

7. Who to Contact for More Information

7.1.  Title: Museum and Communications Coordinator

7.2.  Mailing address:
6339 Stores EOAS
Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z

7.3.  Telephone number: 604-822-6992

7.4.  Email address: pme@eos.ubc.ca